How to play Super Flight on Linux

Superflight is a wingsuit risky venture game. It was developed and published by GrizzlyGames. The gage was released on Windows. However, IT is thinkable thereto practical on Linux. Hither's how to set it abreast your Linux computer.

Getting Crack Flight working connected Linux

Superflight isn't a Linux crippled, merely thanks to Proton and Steam it can work pretty well on most Linux operative systems. If you would like-minded to play this unfit on your Linux estimator, you will indigence to install Steam.

Install Steamer

To get Steamer working, set in motion a terminal window. You can launch a fatal windowpane on the Linux desktop by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard. Or, search for "terminal" in the app menu and launch it that direction.

Follow the induction instructions below to induce the stylish Steam clean version working on Linux.


To get Steam impermanent on Ubuntu, you'll need to use the apt instal statement down below.

sudo apt establis steamer


On Debian, Steam essential be downloaded from the Valve website before installation. To get your work force on the latest Steam release for Debian, use the wget download command below.


Later on downloading the Steam Debutante package, the installation can Begin. Using the dpkg command below, put in the latest version of Steamer along your Debian Linux system.

sudo dpkg -i steam.deb

With Steam installed, make use of the apt-get set u -f command to correct any dependency issues that may have occurred during the installation process.

sudo apt-get set up -f

Arch Linux

On Arch Linux, it is possible to get Steam working. Nonetheless, you will first have to enable the "multilib" software monument. To enable the repo, open awake the /etc/pacman.conf file in your darling text editor (as root).

Once the text editor is open, locate the "multilib" incision and transfer the # symbol from in front of it. Then, take the # symbol from the lines directly below. Finally, save the edits in the text editor and run the pacman command.

sudo pacman -Syy

When the "multilib" software monument is enabled, instal the latest Steamer happening your Arch Linux system using the pacman control down on a lower floor.

sudo pacman -S steam


On Fedora Linux as considerably as OpenSUSE Linux, Steam is available for installment within computer software repositories enclosed in the OS. However, the Flatpak release of Steam full treatmen much better, so we propose tailing those instructions instead.


If you'd equivalent to get Steam working as a Flatpak, you'll need to install the Flatpak runtime on your computer. You can set up the runtime on your computer aside following the guide on the subjugate.

After scene up the Flatpak runtime on your figurer, the installation of Steam can begin. Using the two flatpak commands down below, install the latest give up of Steam on your computer.

flatpak remote-add --if-non-exists flathub
flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam

Install Superflight on Linux

Now that the Steam application is installed along your computer undefendable it in the lead. You tooshie launch the Steam app away searching for it in the app menu. At one time the app is open, log into your account using your substance abuser account credentials. So, pursue the bit-by-bit instructions below to get Superflight working on Linux.

Step 1: Click on the "Steam" bill of fare inside of the Steam app and then select the "Settings" button. In spite of appearanc of the "Settings" area, ascertain the "Steamer Play" segment and click along information technology with the pussyfoot.

In the Steam Play area, you'll involve to check both the "Enable Steamer Play for supported titles" box and the "Enable Steamer Diddle for all other titles" box. Then, dog along the "OK" release to support your settings.

Mistreat 2: Find the "Store" release and click on it with the mouse to access the Steam store. Past, click on the search box and type in "Superflight. Finally, press the Move in key to view the search results.

Face through the Steam search results for "Superflight." Click on it to access the game's Steam store page.

Step 3: On the Superflight Steam stash awa page, locate the green "Add to cart" button to add the game to your Steam go-cart. At one time it is in your Steam cart, click connected the cart picture to buy in the game and contribute it to your account.

Step 4: Click on the "Library" clit inside of the Steam clean app to get at your Steam games library. Once in the Steam games library, find the down in the mouth 'INSTALL" release and click on IT with the sneak away to download and install Superflight to your Linux Personal computer.

Step 5: After installing Superflight connected your Linux PC, the blue "Establis" clitoris will become a green "Represent" push button. Choose the green "Dally" button with the mouse to commence your copy of Superflight on Linux.

How to play Super Flight on Linux


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